All JSON objects complying to SBI.
Device discovery is used to identify MOSIP compliant devices in a system.
HTTP: /device
Android: io.mosip.device
IOS: MOSIPDISC://<call-back-app-url>?ext=<caller app name>&type=<type as defined in mosip device request>
Type of device.
Device discovery is used to identify MOSIP compliant devices in a system.
Internal ID of the device
Certification level.
Device service version.
Base URL to reach device.
* Linux and windows: HTTP URL
* Android: Intent name
* IOS: URL schema.
Code generated by the Device Provider.
Supported SBI versions.
Error codes with their description.
The request is used to identify the MOSIP compliant devices and their status by the applications.
Verb: MOSIPINFO. There are no parameters in this request.
HTTP: /info
Android: appId:Info
IOS: APPIDINFO://<call-back-app-url>?ext=<caller app name>&type=<type as defined in mosip device request>
Response of Device Info Request
This request is used to capture a biometric from MOSIP Authentication devices.
HTTP: /capture
Android: appid.capture
IOS: APPIDCAPTURE://<call-back-app-url>?ext=<caller app name>&type=<type as defined in mosip device request>
Target environment.
Timeout in milliseconds
Capture time in ISO format.
URI of the auth server.
Transaction Id for the current capture.
Type of the biometric data.
Finger/iris count. 1 in case of face.
Hash of the previous block.
Vendor specific parameters. Max of 50 key value pairs. IMPORTANT: Any sensitive data should not be present here.
Array of biometrics
SBI version
URI of the auth server.
Encrypted with session key and base64urlencoded biometric data.
Unique transaction id.
Capture datetime in ISO format.
Floating point number to represent the minimum required score for the capture.
Floating point number representing the score for the current capture.
sha256(sha256 hash in hex format of the previous data block + sha256 hash in hex format of the current data block before encryption)
Encrypted with MOSIP public key (dynamically selected based on the uri) and encoded session key biometric"
SHA256 representation of thumbprint of the certificate that was used for encryption of session key. All texts to be treated as uppercase without any spaces or hyphens
This request is used to capture a biometric from MOSIP Registration devices.
HTTP: /capture
Android: No support
IOS: No support
Transaction Id for the current capture.
Type of the biometric data.
Finger/iris count. 1 in case of face.
Hash of the previous block.
Vendor specific parameters. Max of 50 key value pairs. IMPORTANT: Any sensitive data should not be present here.
Array of biometrics
SBI version
Encrypted with session key and base64urlencoded biometric data.
Unique transaction id.
Capture datetime in ISO format.
Floating point number to represent the minimum required score for the capture.
Floating point number representing the score for the current capture.
sha256(sha256 hash in hex format of the previous data block + sha256 hash in hex format of the current data block before encryption)
The device starts a live video stream of biometric images for registration devices.
HTTP: /stream
Android: No support.
IOS: No support.
Device Info JSON structure.
Firmware version
Device service version.
Base URL to reach device.
- Linux and windows: HTTP URL
- Android: Intent name
- IOS: URL schema.
[Signed digital ID]( See digital ID
schema given below.
Digital ID of a biometric device
Time during the issuance of the request. This is in ISO format.